Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 2

Well the start of day 2 of my 10 day challenge.  Starting to feel like crap but its not all not eating's fault. my 3 month old decided to keep waking me up last night. I feel like I need to finish where i left off on from day 1. Not much to tell but my drink I had for dinner was Carrot, Spinach, Cabbage, Ginger Root and apple. Earlier in the day I had gathered some apples and pears off the trees in our yard. We made the kids an apple pear drink but they all said it was too sour.  Since I’m not the the business of wasting things I poured it into my drink. It tasted great.  I think the Ginger is making everything too strong, so i will just have to find other recipes.  Well back to today, I had a Strawberry, Nectarine, Miribelle plum and Spinach drink for breakfast.  Too bad I drank it too fast now I am stuck with water since I don't want to make any more. Stomach is rumbling and I was feeling light headed earlier but this is nothing I haven't experienced before.
   Back story:  I need to explain my last picture of my Day 1 post. I have been diagnosed with Exima or really dry skin. I also have been told it might be Lupus, which is an autoimmune disorder which runs in my family. I have been tested for that but test came back negative but Lupus is kind of a sporadic type of disorder since I could test positive tomorrow or next year.  I have struggled with weight all my life but nothing like after I got married. I got married in 2001 to my wonderful soul mate. One year later we had our first kid. I put on some sympathy weight but the problem is I didn't lose any of it till i was in Korea. There I lost it but a very unhealthy way by basically starving myself. I don't remember my starting weight but I know it was around 215, when I left Korea i was 180 and looked like a skeleton. So I gained all that back and then some. After Korea I was in Italy. I missed the birth of my second kid when I was in Korea but I was there for my third kid in Italy. When I Italy I kept my spare tire down to 36in, but because of all the stress and long hours, by the time I left I was at a 38. Now I am in Germany and it hasn't gotten any better. I was deployed in 09-10 and lost my 31lbs. That was awesome but my racquetball partner had started a weight routine so I didn't have anyone to keep up with my deployed routine. Then it happened the world started getting stupid and my work started getting longer. People don't realize that crap that happens in the states effected the military overseas.
I got to a record 41.5 in waist, which is how I failed my first PT test.   I had another PT test 90 days later but failed it with a 40 in waist. Great I was losing weight but I have another test in Sep and haven’t lost anything but I am working out and eating "better" than I was after I failed the first time.
I know there are gaps that that is a brief rundown of the past 10 years of my struggle. I have had 2 more kids since being in Germany.  So in the past 10 years I lived in 4 different countries, had 5 kids, moved too many times to count and have been away from my family a total of 17 months.  How could I keep the weight off? I am not even counting the numerous 12 hour shifts, weekends, and extra stupid stuff I have had to do. Snack bars where my friend and constant food source.
    Now back to today. I feel like crap and my head is starting to hurt. I need sleep and food. I know that I can do this. More importantly I can do this with a family and still having to go to work. I would love to be able to get away like Phil did to do the challenge but I can't. I need to know that this isn't impossible and I can do this while life is still going on. I feel that both Joe and Phil in the move got to do it the easy way by stepping out of life for a while.  It seems like they got to step out of life and when they were ready they got to include life into them and not them be included into life. What they did and continue to do is AWESOME that is why I am doing the challenge. It is the struggles in life that make us who we are. 

So a Cucumber,Celery, Spinach, Apple, Meiribelle Plum, and Red Orange or Grapefruit is an interesting combo but the flavors keep hitting you after drinking it, it's crazy. Since it's only noon I will add more later.

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